Circus as KANGETHE’s lawyer urges Muthaiga Police Station to produce his client who escaped – His life may be in danger

 Friday, February 9, 2024 - The lawyer of murder suspect, Kevin Kangethe, has urged officers from Muthaiga Police Station to produce his client, who is said to have escaped from the facility on Wednesday.

Kangethe is suspected of having killed his girlfriend, Margaret Mbitu, and leaving her body in a car parked at a Boston Airport in Massachusetts.

However, in a surprise twist, Kangethe escaped at the highly guarded police station and already police have been accused of being involved in the escape.

On Friday, Kangethe's lawyer, Mohamed Amin Ahmed, moved to court and urged police to produce his client since he might be in danger.

"We don't know who took him. 

"We are fearing for his life. 

"The court should not assume he escaped lawful custody until we have clear evidence from the officers at Muthaiga Police Station," the lawyer said.


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  1. he should be sentenced to death. life sentence will be lenient and a favour to him and family.
