Bill proposes Traffic officers be replaced by CCTV cameras on our roads to get rid of corruption

 Friday, February 9, 2024 - Bomachoge Borabu Member of Parliament, Barango Obadiah, has proposed a bill that seeks to introduce CCTV cameras on our roads and do away with traffic police officers.

Speaking on Friday, Obadiah said the bill Bribery (Amendment) Bill, 2023, will help the state in fighting corruption in the police service.

During the bill's review by the Budget and Appropriations Committee, Barango stated: "The purpose of the bill is to amend the Bribery Act, 2016 by inserting a new section 10(A), which highlights anti-bribery measures for the National Police Service."

 "These measures include ensuring that CCTV cameras at designated traffic areas are maintained, commissioning police uniforms without pockets, taking action against an officer accepting a bribe in the designated area, and coordinating CCTV cameras in all areas where traffic police are stationed,”

The bill comes at a time when Kenya Police officers are ranked as the most corrupt police officers in the world.


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  1. will be effective in the nxt 20 yrs. which highway road blocks are the Cameras gonna be at?
