Somaliland’s claim to manage its airspace independent of Somalia rests on both legal and historical grounds. The argument is bolstered by international legal principles and precedents set by other entities in similar situations.
1. De Facto Control: Somaliland has established a functioning government that effectively governs its territory, distinguishing itself from Somalia, which faces governance challenges. This effective governance extends to controlling its airspace, a fundamental aspect of sovereignty.
2. Right to Self-determination: Somaliland upholds the principle of self-determination, recognized under international law. The people of Somaliland have distinct aspirations from Somalia and have chosen self-governance, including control over their airspace.
3. Historical Precedence: Before the union with Somalia in 1960, Somaliland existed as a British protectorate with its own governance structures. This historical status provides a basis for Somaliland to assert its right to manage its airspace independently.
Comparative examples further support Somaliland’s claim:
1. Taiwan (Republic of China): Despite not being universally recognized as an independent state due to the One China Policy, Taiwan maintains control over its airspace.
2. Kosovo: Declared independence from Serbia in 2008, Kosovo manages its aviation system through its own authority, despite ongoing disputes over its status.
3. Northern Cyprus: Recognized only by Turkey, Northern Cyprus exercises control over its airspace through its aviation authority.
4. Western Sahara (SADR): Despite limited recognition, the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic manages aviation activities within its territory.
5. Abkhazia and South Ossetia: Both entities, though recognized by only a few countries, control their airspace independently.
The assertion that Somaliland lacks international authority to manage its airspace independently is unfounded. Its legal arguments, historical context, and precedents set by other entities justify its right to do so. Somaliland’s claim to airspace control is a legitimate expression of its sovereignty and should be respected.
By Adam Daud Ahmed
Political and Security Analyst
Horn of Africa