Tragedy as Masinde Muliro University graduate takes her own life after applying for 500 jobs without success.

Thursday, January 11, 2024 - A 27-year-old woman is believed to have taken her own life after applying for jobs without success.

The body of the deceased woman, who has been identified as Vera Omondi Okoth, was discovered by her mother dangling inside a bathroom at around 6.30 am.

Siaya County Police Commander, Cleti Kimaiyo, confirmed the tragic incident and said the deceased woman’s mother had gone to wake her up but found her missing in her room.

She then proceeded to the bathroom which is adjacent to her daughter’s house, only to find her body hanging with a rope around her neck.  

It has been established that before she took her own life, she had asked her mother whether she will ever get a job as she had applied for more than 500 jobs without success. 

She graduated with a bachelor's degree in science in 2019 from Masinde Muliro University.

The deceased did not leave behind any suicide note but only left all her certificates on her bed.

Her body was moved to the Yala sub-county hospital mortuary pending autopsy as investigations begin into the matter.

The Kenyan DAILY POST.


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