This is why I dumped RAILA ODINGA like a hot potato in 2022 - CS OWALO explains


Monday, January 29, 2024 - ICT Cabinet Secretary, Eliud Owalo, has revealed the reason why he dumped former Prime Minister Raila Odinga, months to the August 2022 presidential election.

Speaking with one of the local TV stations on Sunday, Owalo said he made a deliberate decision to team up with President William Ruto, who at the time was deputy president because he felt the need for change in the politics of the country.

Owalo said that he felt that the person who was best placed to bring about the change was Ruto.

He noted that the country's politics has for a long time revolved around tribal lines and that needed to change.

"When I decided to work with William Ruto he was deputy president in 2020. 

"I made a deliberate decision to work with Ruto because I believed we needed an agent of change," Owalo said.

"We needed a paradigm shift from politics of rhetoric, politics built around tribal enclaves and tribal chiefs to a politics that is more issue-based that will bring Kenya together and I felt that Ruto was the agent of necessity that we required for a presidential candidate perspective,” Owalo added.

The Kenyan DAILY POST.

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