RUTO bows to RAILA’s pressure as he releases money to Kenyans after BABA’s ultimatum – LOOK! He is terrified of the ODM Leader

Friday January 5, 2024
 - President William Ruto has bowed to Azimio Leader, Raila Odinga’s ultimatum to release funds for school capitation. 

In a statement from State House Spokesperson, Hussein Mohammed, it was reported that the National Treasury had released Ksh 31.34 billion in preparation for schools’ opening next week. 

Ksh 4.74 billion of the total sum was disbursed to the State Department for Basic Education towards the facilitation of free primary education for Term 1.

Additionally, the State Department was further given Ksh 7.6 billion as capitation for Junior Secondary Schools (JSS). 

Hussein Mohammed explained that the rest of the money would be used for school examinations and invigilation fees (Ksh 2.8 billion) and free day secondary education (Ksh 16.2 billion). 

In his statement on Tuesday, Raila had accused Ruto of managing the education sector through lies remarking that the total money owed to schools from the Financial Year 2022/2023 was Ksh 18 billion. 

"As schools await opening, head teachers are struggling to meet the basic resourcing needs of their schools," Raila had stated. 

Raila further remarked that Ruto had lied to parents by stating that the Kenya Kwanza administration had increased allocations to the education sector and enhanced capitation for all learners.

"The Government must release all the monies owed to schools. It must also release capitation at the approved rate of Ksh22,244 per child for the financial year 2023/2024," Raila issued an ultimatum. 

"We urge all Parents Teachers Associations and school Boards of Management across the country to rise to the occasion and demand full-end equitable sharing of education funding. We will support such demands."


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