REVEALED: How KIMANI ICHUNGWAH is using his ‘proximity to power' to divert Mt Kenya projects to his Kikuyu Constituency

Thursday, January 11, 2024 - Githunguri Constituency Member of Parliament, Gathoni Wamuchomba, has accused National Assembly Leader of Majority, Kimani Ichung’wah, of using his powers to grab projects meant for other regions in Mt Kenya and diverting them to his constituency.

Speaking to journalists, Wamuchomba, who is one of the fierce critics of the Kenya Kwanza Alliance administration, accused Ichungwah of using his proximity to power to grab development projects meant for Kiambu County and diverting them to his own constituency. Allegedly, the lawmaker is doing this behind President William Ruto's back.

"Through his proximity to power, Inchungwah is redirecting Kiambu National Government development projects elsewhere," Wamuchomba alleged.

On the other hand, MCAs led by Nachu representative George Kimani described Ichung’wah as arrogant and disrespectful, having resorted to personal attacks after being isolated by other leaders due to his style of politics.

"After realizing that he is fast being Isolated due to his brand of politics, Ichungwah has resorted to using personal attacks on leaders," MCA George Kimani said.

"The leader of the majority is now insulting leaders whom he does not agree with. He has made it his business to sow discord among leaders," the MCA said as he linked the lawmaker to Governor Kimani Wamatagi's woes with the assembly.


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