RAILA’s former aide, DENNIS ONSARIGO, resigns as Nyamira County Chief of Staff citing frustration and toxic work environment - Read the letter.


Thursday, January 25, 2024 - Raila’s former aide, Dennis Onsarigo, has resigned from his lucrative county government job, citing frustrations.

The former KTN investigative reporter was appointed the Chief of Staff at Nyamira County by Governor Amos Nyaribo but he has finally bowed to pressure and resigned from the key position.

He sent a letter to the governor tendering his resignation and explaining why he decided to quit.

“It is with a heavy heart that I render my resignation from the position of Chief of Staff of the Governor Nyamira County. Serving in this capacity has been a privilege, and it is not without considerable introspection and disappointment that I make this decision, Onsarigo said in a letter dated January 10.

He cited frustrations from other senior county staff, which made it difficult for him to effectively execute his work.

Onsarigo said he made several attempts to seek audience with the Governor to explain issues affecting service delivery in the county but he was not granted an opportunity.

As you may be aware, I made several attempts, more than six times, to seek an audience with you to discuss an elaborate plan on how best the office of the chief of staff would function in the execution of your mandate while supporting other departments; unfortunately, this did not materialize, he stated.

He also noted that his efforts to establish a modern washroom at the Office of the Governor did not materialise.

The plan to refurbish the office of the governor and build a modern toilet to save us from embarrassing episodes of panic when we have many visitors paying us a visit was also not a possibility. The washrooms's renovation has failed to capture the most essential part of what constitutes a functioning washroom: running water and toiletries, he added.

Read the full letter below.

The Kenyan DAILY POST.

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