KINDIKI declares Pastor Mackenzie's Good News church an organised criminal group

Wednesday, January 31, 2024 - Interior Cabinet Secretary, Prof Kithure Kindiki has declared Good News International Ministries under Paul Mackenzie as a criminal organized group.

The declaration was made on Wednesday through a gazette notice.

"In exercise of the powers conferred by section 22 (1) of the Prevention of Organized Crimes Act, the Cabinet Secretary for Interior and National Administration declares Good News International Ministries to be an organized criminal group for the purpose of the Act,” reads the notice.

CS Kindiki had earlier vowed to ensure everyone responsible for the Shakahola massacre is brought to book.

He commended the journey leading to the prosecution of the faces behind the Shakahola massacre and described it as a step towards accountability.

"The prosecution of Paul Mackenzie and 95 others with the mass murder of hundreds of our people at the Shakahola Forest is the initial step in the long journey of accountability," Kindiki said.

The Interior boss added that those who took part in the massacre will also face the law.

"Others who by action, inaction, conduct, or misconduct, enabled the success of this most horrendous atrocity ever to happen on our territory in the name of religion, have their date with justice," Kindiki added.

Mackenzie and 38 co-accused persons were last week charged with child cruelty, torture, and denying children the right to education.

The suspects denied the charges before Tononoka Children’s Court principal magistrate Nelly Chepchirchir.


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