Kenyans accuse MP SALASYA of being drunk with power after he assaulted an MCA at a funeral

 Sunday, January 14, 2024 - Kenyans have attacked Mumias East Member of Parliament, Peter Salasya, after he assaulted a local MCA at a funeral in his constituency.

In the video, Salasya, elected to the Democratic Action Party-Kenya (DAP-K) ticket, was addressing mourners when Malaha/Isongo/Makunga MCA Peter Walunya Indimuli appeared to disrupt the lawmaker's speech.

Salasya, donning a white suit, repeatedly pleaded with Indimuli to go and sit, but in vain.

"Enda kaa chini sasa. (Go sit down)," the MP told Indimuli before descending on him with a slap.

Salasya's security detail and members of the public were forced to intervene and bring the situation back to normal.

Salaysa was later arrested and is out on a police bond of Sh 50,000.

The outspoken MP will be charged on Tuesday with assault, causing physical harm and creating a disturbance in a way that could lead to a breach of peace.

Most Kenyans who witnessed the incident accused the opposition MP of being drunk with power.


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