I will die with RAILA ODINGA – KALONZO pledges his loyalty as he denies allegation of a bitter fallout in Azimio over NADCO report

Wednesday, January 17, 2024 - Wiper Party leader Kalonzo Musyoka has dismissed reports of a fallout within the Azimio la Umoja coalition led by Raila Odinga. 

Addressing the press yesterday, Kalonzo insisted that the differences in opinions among the Azimio leaders were not an indication of a fallout. 

"There is no such thing as Azimio La Umoja Coalition falling apart. 

"It’s all in people’s imagination because we are committed. 

"Differences in opinions here and there cannot be taken as problems within the coalition. 

"We are very determined more than ever before to forge a unified position as Azimio La Umoja One Kenya. 

"The coalition is as strong as ever," Kalonzo stated. 

The former vice president also disclosed that he had spoken with KANU leader Gideon Moi and he is still a member of the coalition. 

Reports emerged that there was a split in Azimio after leaders disagreed over the National Dialogue Committee (NADCO) report. 

Former Defence Cabinet Secretary Eugene Wamalwa and NARC Kenya leader Martha Karua both rejected the NADCO report which was endorsed by Odinga and Kalonzo Musyoka. 

“The NADCO report has nothing to alleviate the suffering of citizens but it offers goodies to the leadership. 

"This is totally unacceptable; it is a fraud upon Kenyans and it should be frowned upon and rejected. It is a distracting national smokescreen,” remarked Karua.  

On the other hand, despite being a member of the team, Wamalwa insisted that he would not append his signature to the NADCO report. 

Raila has insisted that the coalition is firm, and there's no split of the team but just differences of opinions. 


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