DAVID NDII reacts to a photo of UHURU and MAGGIE playing golf – Jealousy will kill RUTO’s men

Wednesday, January 17,2024 - President William Ruto's top economic advisor, Dr. David Ndii, has reacted to photos of former President Uhuru Kenyatta playing golf with his wife Mama Magret Kenyatta.

In the photos that have since gone viral, Uhuru was seen playing golf at Muthaiga Golf Club with his ever-smiling wife watching him from a distance.

Kenyans came out to express their views, saying the former President is enjoying his retirement.

However, some Kenyans, led by David Ndii, showed how they hate Uhuru despite being loved by millions of Kenyans.

In a post on his X on Tuesday, Ndii stated that it was the first time he had seen Uhuru doing something harmless.

"Rare picture of Uhuru doing something harmless. Long may it last", Ndii wrote.

Ndii and his coterie have been accusing the former President of ruining the country’s economy during his ten-year tenure.

However, many Kenyans now believe that Uhuru was a God-sent leader, since in the last year, Ruto has done nothing to stimulate the country’s economy, which is currently in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU).

The Kenyan DAILY POST.

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