AZIMIO MP seeks the services of a witchdoctor to bring bees and deal with Governor for frustrating him

 Tuesday, January 16, 2024 - An outspoken Azimio One Kenya Alliance Member of Parliament has said he has sought the services of a witch doctor to deal with Kakamega County Governor, Fernandes Barasa, for frustrating him.

Speaking on Tuesday, Mumias East Member of Parliament, Peter Salasya, said Governor Barasa and MCAs have mobilized boda boda riders to demonstrate against him on Monday at a fee of Kshs200, per head.

Salasya called upon his supporters to avoid the crowd at all costs.

Breaking news ….barasa has organised a demonstration in Mumias East starting from Makunga to Shianda 😄 🤣 😂 😆 😄 he has used 1M 😄 each Boda will be paid 1k and two people on the bike shall be paid 200 each. 

"I want to ask my supporters to avoid them completely let them look like fools…let them behave as mad men and women on the streets, for me I will not counter anything,” he wrote on Facebook.

However, he noted that he is ready for them if they decide to come for him although he has released his bodyguards.

“I have given my bodyguard an off. Na wakinitaka mimi wakuje hapa CDF office niko hapa.

 "But they should know since I don’t have my bodyguard Niko na my two guns ready I will protect myself. 

"Meanwhile, I have contacted mchawi wa kuwafukuza na nyuki,” Salasya said.

Kuna mtu anaeza nipeleka kwa ule mchawi wa nyuki nataka watupie MCAs and Fernandes Barasa wakija kesho demonstration in mumias East 😄 🤣😂😆…..pia mtu anitafutie fanduli nende tsibanda 😄 🤣 😂 😆 😄 I have chosen peace they have just concluded a meeting at Lantana Hotel and mobilised 500k to make demonstration against me successful. I choose peace and to ignore them completely,” he said

Salasya has been making headlines for all the wrong reasons. 

"He was recently arrested for slapping an MCA at a function in Kakamega.


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