At last, RUTO’s controversial daughter, CHARLENE, lands an ambassadorial job – You won’t believe where and what she will be doing

Friday, January 19, 2024 – President William Ruto’s daughter, Charlene Ruto, has landed a job in Kenya Kwanza government.

Health Cabinet Secretary Susan Nakhumicha appointed Charlene as the Kenya Blood Ambassador. 

In a statement, the CS acknowledged Charlene's efforts in consistent campaigns for blood donation, advocating the public to join the initiative.

Through her efforts, CS Nakhumicha noted that more Kenyan youth are joining the campaigns in a bid to save lives.

"The Ministry of Health recognizes and appreciates your selfless contribution to Kenya through your consistent blood donation, advocacy, educating and mobilizing your family members, community, peers and the general Kenyan citizens to engage in blood donations," the statement read in part.

"Special recognition is on your efforts to mobilize resources that support blood donation activities and blood establishments."

"This letter is to appoint you as a Kenya Blood Ambassador and ask that: you continue to be a spokesperson to your friends, Kenyan Youth family, peers and Kenyan citizens and to engage and encourage people to give blood to save lives; from time to time collaborate with the Kenya Tissue and Transplant Authority or partners in blood-related events including public education and resource mobilization."

Following President Ruto's ascent to office after the August General Election, Charlene stirred some controversies and sparked debate after conducting several meetings with key political players.

In one of her meetings, Charlene mentioned the Office of the First Daughter, which prompted observers to speculate that the office was funded using taxpayers' money. 

Following the uproar, Charlene later explained that the office is a private initiative that facilitates her advocacy programs. 

She added that it is not a constitutional office. 


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