A rogue Nakuru County askari removes a patient from a dialysis machine at War Memorial Hospital as Governor KIHIKA ignores a court order and forcefully takes over the private hospital (VIDEO).

Tuesday, January 23, 2024 - There was drama at War Memorial Hospital in Nakuru after the county askaris and armed police officers forcefully took over the management of the hospital, ignoring orders issued by Justice Millicent Odeny on October 30, 2023.

In her ruling, the judge restrained the county government from interfering with the running of the hospital pending the hearing and determination of a case touching on its ownership.

The court order also allowed the hospital staff to access the medical facility pending the hearing and determination of the suit filed by the directors of the facility.

However, Governor Susan Kihika ignored the court order and sent county askaris and armed police officers to forcefully take over the management of the hospital.

The staff confronted one of the askaris after he attempted to remove a dialysis machine from a critically ill patient.

They had to chase him away to save the patient’s life.

The hospital, which has operated for more than 100 years,  is privately owned and sits on 25 acres of land.

Watch video.

 The Kenyan DAILY POST.

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