See how arrogant Bomet Woman Rep, LINET TOTO, responded to a constituent who questioned her for betraying her people by voting Yes to the punitive Finance Bill.

Friday, June 21, 2024 - Bomet Woman Representative, Linet Toto, is among the leaders who betrayed their constituents after voting Yes to the punitive finance bill.

Toto’s phone number was shared with the public after she supported the bill, prompting one of the constituents to confront her on WhatsApp.

The concerned constituent called out the youthful Woman Rep for supporting the contentious bill and reminded her that she made a mistake in siding with the oppressors.

The arrogant Woman Rep responded to the constituent saying,” Don’t talk to me rubbish and go to work,”.

Before Toto was elected, she used to live from hand to mouth.

Speaking in a past interview, the first-time Woman Rep said she sold chips mwitu, and mitumba clothes to make a living before she clinched the seat.

She is now drunk with power.

See her response to the constituent.

The Kenyan DAILY POST.

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  1. She is not intellectual enough to give an intelligent response.
