Freed by his words: A protestor secures freedom for himself and his fellow protester after explaining to the cops why they are in the streets! This guy is brave (VIDEO).


Tuesday, June 25, 2024 - A youthful protester from Mathare slums secured freedom for himself and his fellow protester after articulating the reasons behind their protests.

He faced the cops face to face and told them why he was in the streets protesting against the finance bill.

“You are also facing the same problems as the rest of Kenyans. When the finance bill passes, school fees will be increased. 

"Hospital equipment will also be expensive. Let’s exercise our democratic rights,” he lectured the cops.

“Let’s go to Parliament buildings to air our grievances,” the fearless protesters told the cops as he walked away.

The cops were forced to release him alongside his colleague after he convinced them that they had valid reasons to protest.

Watch the video.

The Kenyan DAILY POST.

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