RAILA’s man reveals the actual reason why President RUTO wants the Military Airbase shifted from Eastleigh to Nanyuki - Scandal Brewing!

Thursday, May 16, 2024 – The recent move by President William Ruto to scrap the 12-floor limit and allow construction of skyscrapers in Eastleigh has raised more questions than answers.

This is after it emerged that the President's move was a deliberate one to facilitate his clandestine scheme to grab Eastleigh Airbase.

According to Kileleshwa Member of County Assembly Robert Alai, Ruto allowed the building of houses up to 30 floors in Eastleigh to make it dangerous for the Kenya Air Force planes to take off and land at Eastleigh Airbase to have reason to relocate Airbase.

He noted that the President wants to relocate Eastleigh Airbase to Nanyuki so that he can grab the land and build his own city like Northland City which former President Uhuru Kenyatta is building in Ruiru.

“I am reliably informed that this idea is being pushed because Zakayo wants the military Airbase shifted from Eastleigh to Nanyuki simply because he wants the Air Force land to build his own form of Northlands City. 

"There is a stinking scheme here,” Robert Alai stated on his X platform.


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