Don’t dare or else you will have me to contend with – RAILA now threatens RUTO after his National Address

Saturday, May 4, 2024 - Azimio Leader Raila Odinga has threatened to do the unthinkable if President William Ruto will not stop the demolitions in Mukuru Kwa Reuben.

Addressing a rally in Embakasi South, Nairobi, Raila took a swipe at Ruto, following his directive on the demolition of structures at the Mukuru Kwa Ruben.

He called on the head of state to revert his initial decision directing the Interior Ministry to lead demolitions in the riparian lands of the Mukuru kwa Ruben.

The former prime minister termed Ruto’s orders as unethical and instead urged the government to first construct houses for the residents before evicting them.

"And I want to say today, these people should not demolition the houses in the Mukuru kwa Njenga, let them not destroy any house," Raila said.

The Azimio leader vowed to resist the government’s decision to demolish houses in the Mukuru areas, noting it was against the will of the people.

Raila, who accused the government of inhumane treatment for its decision to evict the residents, claimed the government could have put up adequate measures before embarking on the evictions. 

"First build good homes before coming to destroy the houses, Kenyans are not animals, you must possess humanity," the Azimio chief claimed.

"If they come with force, we are the force and we know how to apply force and we will come together so we can die with you," Raila added.

Odinga further urged the head of state to immediately declare the current flooding menace a national disaster since thousands of people had been directly impacted.


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