Young man, don’t harass us, let the investigators do their job to unearth who killed your father – RAILA’s brother OBURU clashes with General OGOLLA’s son during burial

Monday, April 22, 2024 – There was drama yesterday during the burial of the late Chief of Defence Forces, General Francis Ogolla, in Siaya, after area Senator Oburu Odinga differed sharply with Ogolla’s son over the general’s tragic death.

General Ogolla died in a plane crash in the Kaben area in Elgeyo-Marakwet county alongside nine other KDF officials in what the Opposition claims could have been an assassination.

However, the late CDF's son, Joel Rabuku, maintained that his father had prepared them for his death, disputing claims that he was killed.

He stated that his late father had a good working relationship with President William Ruto, his Deputy Rigathi Gachagua, and the Defence CS Aden Duale.

Additionally, he insisted that the four had become like brothers.

"From conversations I had with my father, I want to clear the air about his time with President Ruto, Deputy Gachagua, and CS Aden Duale. They became like brothers and formed a working relationship to secure the country," said Rabuku.

However, Oburu strongly differed with Rabuku, urging him to give room for investigations, as the government earlier promised.

Oburu insisted that most leaders hailing from the region had allegedly been assassinated hence the need to know the truth about General Ogolla's death.

"We want to know the truth. We have lost so many leaders in our area in very suspicious ways and once bitten twice shy. We want to know who killed our son.”

“So young man, don't be impatient with us. We want to know the truth. 

"When Robert Ouko died, the regime then convinced the family to be dismissive of us, who were asking questions. So young man just be patient and allow the investigators to do their work," Oburu responded.


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  1. These two vampires imbecile fraudsters missed because they are the main cold blooded killers.

    All these helicopters and military wares were bought by Uhuru regime under his docket. They purchased substandard helicopters and looted the whole moneys to themselves, CS, Formers KDF bosses with their accountants - which explains their sudden wealth moneys for working as civil servants with a know wealth.

    These fraudsters bought these un-worth flying helicopters for both the army and the police: that's why they been falling down and you can imagine they are Amigo helicopter which are not worth to buy but late Kibaki and the mungiki Uhuru with his thugs bought these useless helicopters that have been killing Kenyans and now blaming at the useless table banking kipsigi-come-nandi ruto for downing the helicopter in their mission of assassinating KDF General Ogolla.

    The only safe helicopter is the one the president used and the presidential jet bought by late Moi. The rest are not worth flying in - they are meant for state assassination and the blame is squarely pointed to the cold blooded presidents who bought these useless toys.

    Their blood is crying before GOD and soon we shall see effects happening on those who bought these useless helicopters use to assassinate innocent citizens of kenya going by the daily call of duty and services.

    These looters who bought these helicopters should face GOD's justice immediately: which explains it used Uganda place and private helicopter/plane to fly around cos they know they bought useless machine for the republic of kenya and not insured as is their code of practice.

    General Ogolla pole sana na MUNGU akupiganie na hao wengine walio fariki and kuumia.
