RUTO’s man heckled and ejected from a funeral ceremony in BUMULA – LOOK!

Sunday, April 28, 2024 - A close confidante of President William Ruto had a rough time on Saturday after he was sent away from a funeral ceremony in Bumula Constituency.

Kimilili Member of Parliament, Didmus Barasa, had gone to bid farewell to innocent Sanguraa, a renowned academician from Bumula.

Barasa, when he got the chance to speak, accused one of the deceased's relatives of failing to use his position to influence the employment of qualified people from the area.

The UDA lawmaker referenced Education Cabinet Secretary Ezekiel Machogu's resolve to employ his fellow natives in the top government posts

 "I want to say this to you, Bumula people, that I recently told your MP Jack Wamboka, who had a report indicating that Education CS Ezekiel Machogu had employed people from his community, that there is no problem with Machogu doing that. 

"The problem is when our people like Sangura (a kin to the deceased) who have influence and means but fail to use it employ their people," said Barasa.

His sentiments ruffled feathers and ushered in a brief moment of disorder, with a section of the mourners charging toward him to stop his speech.

"You cannot attack someone who is mourning...Didmus Barasa is not speaking any longer. We would not allow it," one of the men was heard saying.

 Didmus acceded to the mourners' command, leaving the podium before finishing his speech.

"Sawa, nimesikia (It's fine, I have heard you)" an intimidated Barasa surrendered.

 The lawmaker's security detail escorted him out of the chaos unhurt.


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