We can only support your AUC job bid if you drop your 2027 Presidential ambitions - UDA party gives RAILA ODINGA an ultimatum

Monday, March 11, 2024 - The United Democratic Alliance (UDA) party has issued a new ultimatum to former Prime Minister Raila Odinga over his African Union chairperson job bid.

Speaking in Embu County on Sunday, UDA leaders led by Nandi County Senator, Samson Cherargei, asked the ODM leader to choose between the African Union Commission's chairmanship and the Presidency in 2027.

Cherargei said the opposition leader should allow the Kenya Kwanza administration to find another person for the AU position if he still wants to run in the 2027 polls.

 "There is no way one can be campaigning for the presidency and at the same time for an AU seat; it's either one and if our brother needs the presidency to compete with William Ruto, he should also tell us we are ready," Cherargei said.

On his part, Mbeere North MP Geoffrey Ruku claimed the former prime minister was campaigning for two seats, arguing that this might jeopardise the efforts of those looking for his AU seat.

Ruku said the government is working tirelessly and investing heavily in Raila's candidacy. 

Thus, he should not show any actions that depict his energy as not being in the AU bid.


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