Is KIMANI ICHUNGWA obsessed with UHURU like a lady? – See his latest statement that confirms what MILLIE ODHIAMBO said

Wednesday, March 13, 2024 - Kikuyu Member of Parliament, Kimani Ichung’wah, seems to be obsessed with former President Uhuru Kenyatta, going by how he has been dragging the name of the former President into the Kenya Kwanza Alliance regime issues.

Speaking on Tuesday, Ichung’wah, who is the National Assembly Majority leader, accused Uhuru of influencing the DAP-Kenya party leader Eugene Wamalwa not to sign the National Delegates Conference (NADCO) final report.

“He was there during the meetings, he agreed on everything and never raised issues until Uhuru told him otherwise,” Ichung'wah stated.

The outspoken lawmaker further accused the former president of stirring confusion and disunity in the country, daring Wamalwa to deliver a message to him.

“We know it was not your independent decision, someone sent you, and whoever sent you give him our response,” he stated

“Tell him the NADCO implementation will proceed with or without your signature. With or without the liking of Uhuru Kenyatta, Kenya will be a peaceful nation.”


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