I housed him and fed him for 2 years - AOKO OTIENO spills dirt as she breaks up with a married man that she reportedly snatched from another woman.

Friday, March 1, 2024 - Controversial blogger Aoko Otieno has taken to her X account and announced that she has parted ways with her boyfriend, Ben Onyach.

Although she didn’t reveal why they broke up, Aoko washed Ben’s dirty linen in public by claiming that she fed him and housed him for two years after he was dumped by his Kikuyu wife.

“I housed and fed him for two years. His Kikuyu wife had ditched him,” she tweeted.

Aoko said that she kicked Ben out of her house in the middle of the night and claimed she had given him several warnings before they broke up.

“I issued enough warnings,” she said.

She vowed to spill more dirt and cause mayhem on the X platform.

Aoko introduced Ben to the online community late last year.

She even claimed that he was planning to marry her.

However, their hyped affair has ended in tears as predicted.

Check out her tweets.

The Kenyan DAILY POST.

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