I earned more when I was an advocate than as a senator – Nairobi Senator EDWIN SIFUNA says

Friday, March 8, 2024 Nairobi County Senator, Edwin Sifuna, has stated that he did not join politics to make money, as he was making more money when he was an advocate.

In a recent interview with Andrew Kibe, Sifuna said he is not like other politicians who join politics to make money and loot public funds.

Asked if earning a seven-figure salary was his motivation to seek a political seat, Sifuna said that his greatest desire was to improve Kenyans' lives.

The legislator said he was okay with his earnings because it was enough to cover his needs. 

"My salary is in the public domain. Senators earn about KSh 1 million. 

"The taxman slashes at least KSh 300,000, and some more goes to the mortgage for a decent house. 

"The remainder takes care of family and friends' needs," said Sifuna.

He also said he was not into flamboyant lifestyles, saying he was not one to seek a seven-bedroom house.

"I have a reasonable house for me and my family. My children are able to go to school. What would a six- or seven-bedroom house be for when you can live decently in a four-bedroom house? 

"How much is enough?" Sifuna posed.  


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