Pastor NG’ANG’A says BENNY HINN is a shadow of his former self and God doesn’t use him now.

Monday, February 26, 2024 - Neno Evangelism Ministry lead pastor, James Maina Ng’anga, has blasted American televangelist, Benny Hinn, saying he is a shadow of his former self.

Benny Hinn graced a mega crusade at Nyayo Stadium and pastor Nganga was among thousands of faithful who attended the crusade.

Speaking after the crusade, pastor Nganga said he had gone there to observe how God uses Hinn, but he was let down by his performance.

Ng’ang’a said Hinn struggled during the service and failed to impress him.

“I went to the meeting. I just went to see how God uses him. 

"I will not speak now, but something is wrong. 

"That man struggled. He struggled. He is a singer and he sang in my presence, but he struggled,” he said.


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