We are disbanding AZIMIO in readiness for the 2027 Presidential election – RAILA ODINGA’s man drops a bombshell!!

Thursday, January 11, 2024 - One of former Prime Minister Raila Odinga’s loyal lieutenants has hinted that the opposition coalition is planning to rebrand itself and one of the things that will happen is the disbandment of Azimio One Kenya Alliance.

Speaking to journalists on Thursday, Ugunja Member of Parliament and leader of the Minority in Parliament, Opiyo Wandayi, said there's a growing possibility that Azimio La Umoja could undergo a transformation, giving rise to a new political alliance with a fresh identity.

 This revamped coalition would welcome newer parties into its fold, culminating in the selection of a new candidate to represent the alliance in the upcoming election, Wandayi said

Wandayi's statement has also been echoed by KANU Secretary for Political Affairs Fred Okang'o, who said the opposition coalition was working towards forming a new political formation ahead of the 2027 general elections.

"We are strengthening the formation that is led by Raila Odinga, Martha Karua, and Kalonzo Musyoka. 

"Strengthening it means using its pillars which are constituent parties; Kanu, ODM, Wiper, Narc Kenya, and many more. 

"Many more are going to join, we are not forming a new coalition for 2027," Okang'o stated.



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