Watch a VIDEO of RAILA ODINGA dancing with a beautiful woman during his 79th birthday - Baba bado ni kijana

Monday, January 8, 2024
- ODM leader, Raila Odinga, celebrated his 79th birthday in style on Sunday in a colourful ceremony held at the residence of former Mombasa Governor Hassan Joho.

The former Prime Minister reminisced his youthful days when he took to the dance floor and danced with a beautiful woman as live music played in the background.

He danced effortlessly and proved that age is just a number.

Hours before the birthday party held at Joho’s residence, the Opposition leader visited the Malindi Orphanage where he was joined by children as part of the celebrations to mark his birthday.

He was accompanied by his wife Ida Odinga and leaders from the Coastal region.

Watch video of “Baba’ showing his dancing skills.


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