Watch the moment MP PETER SALASYA led parents in frogmarching a high school principal in his constituency over poor KCSE results - He was forced to run for his dear life (VIDEO).


Tuesday, January 16, 2024 Controversial Mumias East Member of Parliament, Peter Salaysa, stormed St Gabriel Isongo Secondary School in the company of angry parents and ejected the principal from the school over poor KCSE results.

The parents came in droves, some on foot and others on motorbikes.

They went straight to the principal’s office and frogmarched him out of the school compound.

The students joined in the melee and cheered as the principal was being mishandled.

The principal was forced to run for his dear life on a motorbike as he begged for mercy.

 Huyu mwalimu akikuja hapa mean score ilikua 5 saa hii amerudisha chini mpaka imefika 2. Hii shule ni kubwa sana anaangusha shule. Kubadilisha walimu wa board kila mwezi,” said an angry parent.

The area member of parliament, Peter Salaysa, blamed the principal for students’ poor grades.

 “We want commitment from the principals that's why we have called for that meeting, no you have to go home. No, acha niweke some sympathy, you have to transfer,” he said.

Sasa kama wewe ni principal, watoto wanakuja kwa shule, wazazi have done their part, bursary nimelipa then. You have not delivered, then it means you cannot whip your teachers to deliver,” added Salaysa.

The incident comes barely a week after furious parents stormed Mafuta Secondary School in Uasin Gishu County and ejected the principal over poor KCSE results.

Watch video of the dramatic incident.

The Kenyan DALY POST.

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