Over My Dead Body!! – KALONZO vows never to support RAILA ODINGA for the Presidency again in 2027

 Wednesday, January 10, 2024 - Wiper Democratic Movement party leader, Kalonzo Musyoka, has said he will not support former Prime Minister Raila Odinga's Presidential bid in 2027.

In an exclusive interview with one of the local dailies on Tuesday, Kalonzo said though Raila Odinga has a democratic right to vie for the top office in 2027, he will not support him.

Kalonzo, however, said all Azimio One Kenya Alliance leaders,, including Raila Odinga will sit down and agree on who will fly the opposition flag during the 2027 Presidential election.

“It is everybody's right including my brother Raila if he so chooses to run (for the presidency) and if that happens that will be very exciting stuff but again we all need to sit down and take a reality check on where we are as a country," Kalonzo said

"Do we want to continue doing the same things, the same way, and expect results will be different or do we like I did in 2022 take a back step and support Raila and Martha the way I did wholeheartedly?

“I don’t believe in anything like payback or anything. These things you just have to allow natural consequences to happen and that is the direction I’m taking."

The former vice president said that everyone is free to run for presidency but he is confident that it will only be a two-horse race between him and President William Ruto.



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