Men who have been killing Nairobi 'token girls' should be subjected to Death Penalty – ESTHER PASSARIS says

Thursday, January 18, 2024 - Nairobi County Woman Representative, Esther Passaris, has condemned the increase of cases of women being killed in Nairobi, especially ‘token girls’

In an interview with one of the local TV stations on Thursday, Passaris said the femicide cases reported were horrific and the suspects should face the full force of the law.

She referred to the recent case of Starlet Wahu and lauded the victims for telling their stories.

“I’m so proud of the witnesses who came out after Starlet Wahu’s story was aired and reliving that pain by talking about it because that I hope, will keep that man behind bars," Passaris said

"Sometimes I feel that we have scrapped the death penalty, but people like that should not be living on our taxes,” Passaris added.

The ODM legislator described some of the cases as cult-like and serial killer-like, graphic and painful.

Passaris also condoled with the families of the deceased.

“I don’t know how any parent can heal from that… My prayers go out to the families, friends, community, and the country,” she said.


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