Love Triangle: Jubilee politician charged with attempted murder after trying to run over her boyfriend’s wife with a car at Ridgeways Estate (PHOTOs).

Thursday, January 11, 2024 - A 36-year-old businesslady and aspiring politician has been charged with attempted murder after she tried to run over her boyfriend’s wife during a fight over the man.

The suspect, Nduta Wangai, who vied for the MCA seat on Jubilee ticket during last year's general election, attempted to run over Rebecca Ngumi with her car on January 5, 2024.

Nduta drove to Rebecca’s matrimonial home in Ridgeways estate and knocked at the gate.

Rebecca sent her house help to check and the house help found Wangai at the gate.

Wangai told the house help that she had come to speak to Rebecca, who was preparing to go to work at the time.

Rebecca then reached out to her husband and they both walked to the gate.

When Rebecca’s husband went to talk to Wangai, they had a disagreement.

She furiously drove her car into the gate and tried to run over his wife.

The complainant took cover but the suspect allegedly sprayed her with a substance suspected to be acid.

She then reversed several times and tried to run over Rebecca while threatening to kill her.

She also damaged Rebecca’s Mercedes Benz as she took cover between objects in her compound.

Wangai fled the scene after learning that police had been alerted.

The suspect denied the charges when she appeared at Makadara law courts and pleaded for lenient bail and bond.

She said she is a mother of four, the youngest being seven years old.

She was released on a bond of Sh 1 million.

Rebecca’s husband is listed as witness in the case.

The case will be mentioned on April 9 before the hearing starts on July 4.

 The Kenyan DAILY POST.

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