Kenya’s economy is on ICU under RUTO’s regime – Governor JAMES ORENGO says as he blasts the President.

 Tuesday, January 2, 2024 – Siaya County Governor, James Orengo, has said the country is broke and the government has been unable to release the Constituency Development Fund (CDF)

Speaking over the weekend, Orengo said though Ruto is pretending that he has revived the economy, the truth of the matter is that he is making Kenya one of the poorest nations under the sun.

“In the world of Africa now… If you look at all the economies in Africa, Kenya is doing very badly. Yesterday I spoke to someone very senior in government and he told me things are very very bad.

“There is no money in the economy. The government, for the first time, is not giving natural funds which should go to the constituencies. Although Kenya Kwanza is talking very loudly, they are not sending money to the counties,” said Orengo.

He further noted that Uganda, Ethiopia, and Tanzania were receiving more foreign investments than Kenya because of the dwindling economy.

“You have heard Uganda is now getting more foreign investment than Kenya… You have heard that Ethiopia is now a bigger economy than Kenya many times.

“You have heard that the Tanzanian economy has expanded in the last 20 years seven times and Tanzania is doing much better than Kenya,” he said.

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