Anyone who takes CIRCUMCISION seriously is a big fool – RAILA ODINGA says

Monday, January 15, 2024 - Former Prime Minister Raila Odinga has bashed some of the communities in the country who take the issue of circumcision as a matter of life and death.

Speaking in Teso North Constituency on Monday during a consultation with local leaders, Raila who is also Orange Democratic Movement party leader, said that it is unfortunate that some of the communities in the country think that one should not be a leader merely because his foreskin has not been cut.

Raila further said that it is foolish to always think about circumcision, which the majority of African countries do not practice.

While revising the amendment of the constitution of Kenya in Bomas of Kenya, Mr. Odinga said that one of the reasons why the Teso community wanted to be separated from Bungoma County was due to the noise that comes during the circumcision period.

“There was a problem. The Teso said that they don’t want to be in Bungoma County because when the Bukusu are doing the circumcision, they start causing trouble by forcefully circumcising the older men from the Teso community,” Mr Odinga said.

He used the opportunity to castigate some of the communities that take the issue of circumcision to determine who leads them.

“This thing about circumcision is only in parts of Kenya. 

"It is a small thing that is more of a religion that came through Ethiopia and entered Kenya through the Bantus. 

"The Bantus in Cameroon are not being circumcised, Bantus in South Africa are not being circumcised. 

"So circumcision is a small thing, and anyone who takes it to be a big issue is a fool.”


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