Pilot proposes to flight attendant girlfriend in front of passengers (VIDEO)

Wednesday, April 25, 2024 – A pilot proposed to his flight attendant girlfriend who had no idea what was about to unfold and the video has now gone viral.

Konrad Hanc, who is the captain of Polish Airlines’ Embrarer 195, was piloting the flight to Krakow when he staged an impressive proposal.

Footage shows Captain Hanc coming out of the cockpit to introduce himself to passengers on the PA system. He then began tearing up as he spoke of his love, before going down on one knee and popping the question.

“On today’s flight there is a very special person and I hope that she doesn’t expect anything,” he said.

“Ladies and gentlemen, about one and a half years ago in this job I met the most wonderful person that completely changed my life.

“You are most precious to me. You are my greatest dream come true. This is why I have to ask you a favour, honey.”

"Will you marry me?” he asked while getting down on one knee. His eyes swelled with tears as he waited patiently for his girlfriend’s answer, holding a bunch of flowers handed to him by a flight attendant.

Paula could be seen running down the aisle of the plane before leaping into the arms of her future husband.

“I don’t know if this is the right hand for this,” she laughed as she presented her hand for the ring.

Passengers watched on in anticipation for her answer with one yelling, “Did she say yes?” to which the beaming captain responded: “She said yes!”

Hanc said the pair met on a flight to Krakow, a city in southern Poland near the border of the Czech Republic.

“This is why I want to propose on today’s flight to Krakow,” he said before popping the big question.

The video has gone viral with viewers leaving positive comments.

Watch the video below.

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