Kenyans are tired of the doctors’ strike - Labour CS FLORENCE BORE now tells clueless NAKHUMICHA as she teaches her a thing or two

Saturday April 13, 2024
 - Labour Cabinet Secretary Florence Bore has told her Health counterpart, Susan Nakhumicha, to agree to dialogue with the striking doctors, saying the strike is doing more harm than anticipated.

In a statement to Kenyans, Bore noted that the ongoing strike was putting Kenyans at risk, insisting on the need for the workers to get back to work. 

She asked the health workers to consider dialogue to end the ongoing crisis in the sector. 

Bore has insisted on the need to employ negotiations as the way forward in resolving the ongoing crisis and consider both parties in the final decision.

Citing the Industrial Relations Framework, the statement highlighted social dialogue, tripartite relations, social equity, fairness, justice and the rule of law as the building blocks for negotiations in resolving the health crisis. 

“I wish to remind the unions that whereas the framework to exercise freedom of Association and the right to industrial action is provided for in the Constitution, the right to strike is not absolute,” Bore warned. 

The Ministry further directed the Unions involved to suspend the nationwide strike and sit down with the Ministry of Health and the 47 counties. 

“The union needs to direct its members to get back to work, to pave the way for meaningful negotiations to take place to find a lasting solution,” the letter read in part. 

Speaking to the practitioners directly, Bore urged the doctors, clinical officers and laboratory technicians to return to work and give dialogue a chance. 

“It is our position that industrial peace and harmony must be maintained at all times for the well-being of everybody.”

Following the four-week doctors' strike, several counties have resulted in suspension and threatened to get the health workers back to work. 


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