Illegal kidney harvesting syndicate in Eldoret, Busia and Nairobi exposed as it emerges that young men are being paid less than Ksh 100,000 to sell their kidneys.

Monday, April 15, 2024 - A source has revealed to blogger Cyprian Nyakundi that there is an illegal kidney harvesting syndicate in Eldoret, Busia, and Nairobi.

Young men are selling their kidneys for less than Ksh 100,000 after undergoing medical tests.

Besides being given the money, they are also given a motorbike.

Read the expose below.

Hi Nyakundi Have you seen the story about Kidney business in Kenya? The price of a kidney in Kenya is just under US$1,000 plus a motorbike.

That's how 30-year-old Joseph Japiny, from Oyugis town in Homa Bay County, acquired his boda boda – a motorbike taxi he uses to earn a living.

 Japiny explained that he was introduced to Jadhot, a broker recruiting young men into the kidney-harvesting underworld that operates between Eldoret, Busia, and Nairobi.

Jadhot offered Japiny US$984 as a down payment and another US$984 in the form of a Boxer motorcycle, which he could use as a boda boda taxi.

Agreeing to the deal, Japiny underwent tests at a private clinic in Eldoret.

 Two weeks later, he returned to Eldoret for further tests and was provided with food and accommodation.

Over three weeks, he underwent regular blood, urine, and fecal tests, with a minder assigned to look after him.

In the fourth week, Japiny was moved to a nearby clinic where his kidney was removed. 

He stayed there under observation for three days and then spent another three weeks in his hotel. 

During this time, he had regular check-ups by a doctor from India who did not speak Swahili. He was then given his motorbike and sent on his way.

The Kenyan DAILY POST.

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