RAILA ODINGA’s man calls for the resignation of CSs MIANO and LINTURI over fake fertilizer scandal

Sunday, March 24, 2024 - A close lieutenant of former Prime Minister Raila Odinga has called for the resignation of Agriculture Cabinet Secretary Mithika Linturi and his Trade counterpart, Rebecca Miano, over the fake fertilizer scandal.

In a statement on Friday, Ugunja MP, Opiyo Wandayi accused the CSs of perpetuating economic sabotage by allowing repeated instances of fake fertilizers and seed scandals.

The Minority Leader in Parliament also demanded the resignation of top officials at the Kenya Bureau of Standards (KEBS) and the National Cereals and Produce Board (NCPB) to allow for investigations.

Wandayi urged President William Ruto to move quickly and ensure the CSs and responsible procurement officers bear “full responsibility” for their actions.

“Right in the middle of the planting season, the sector is awash with one scam after another, ranging from availability to pricing to quality of farm inputs, particularly seeds and fertilizers,” he said.

“They must immediately quit their positions and pave the way for proper and professional investigation.”

Wandayi urged the government to devise new ways to procure, secure, and distribute quality fertilizer and seeds to farmers.

He proposed a Kenya Defence Forces-led procurement and distribution of seeds and fertilizers since the institutions in charge of supplying and procuring the products have failed to do so responsibly.

Wandayi made the demand after the Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI) reported the seizure of fake fertilizer in Kakamega and Baringo.

DCI agents seized 700 bags of suspected fake fertilizer in Kakamega and nabbed a consignment of 560 bags in Baringo.


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