Mtajua hamjui! Pastor NG'ANG'A dares RUTO’s government to demolish his church like it did with Bishop MARGARET WANJIRU’s

Sunday, March 10, 2024 - Pastor James Ng'ang'a of Neno Evangelism Church has absolved himself of the land-grabbing accusations made against him.

According to the Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission (EACC), the land on which Ng'ang'a’s church sits belongs to Kenya Railways.

The anti-graft body earmarked the particular tract among others to be reclaimed after supposed grabbing; Ng'ang'a's church would thus be demolished.

However, playing down the claims, the controversial cleric dared the government to demolish his church, saying they would know that they don’t know.

According to Ng’ang’a, he acquired the piece of land legally.

Ng'ang'a said that the title deed to the land remained unchallenged for over four decades now.

He implied that he was not the first owner of the land, revealing that he acquired it in 2004, over 20 years after the original title deed was entered into the government's lands directory.

Using unprintable words, an abrasive Ng'ang'a wondered why the previous regimes from the late Daniel Moi's to Uhuru Kenyatta's never went after him on allegations he had grabbed the land.

"They say I grabbed this land. The title deed was first acquired in 1980. I bought the land in 2004. They should ask the CBK. EACC should go to the Ministry of Lands to verify things," said Ng'ang'a.

Contrary to the assertion that the land was fraudulently acquired from Kenya Railways, Ng'ang'a stated that he was sold the property by the Central Bank of Kenya (CBK).

He said that before going for the land, he had verified the title deed was legitimate and thus proceeded to acquire it.

"I searched the title deed. It was out in 1980. It was during Moi's time. It was still there during Kibaki's time and later Uhuru's. 

"All that time, all the governments that have been there, where was the EACC?" posed the preacher.

This came days after Bishop Margaret Wanjiru's church was raided and part of it demolished over alleged land grabbing.


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