Kakamega Governor FERNANDES BARASA paid a witchdoctor Sh 200 million to help him win the 2022 gubernatorial race - MALALA

Sunday, March 31, 2024 - United Democratic Alliance (UDA) Secretary General, Cleophas Malala, has accused Kakamega Governor Fernandes Barasa of using witchcraft to win the 2022 gubernatorial election.

Speaking at The Karen Hospital on Saturday, Malala said Governor Fernandes Barasa must be investigated for using witchcraft to win the election.

Malala threatened to move to court to contest Barasa's win, arguing that it is unfair for one to use the services of a witch doctor to win elections.

"If people used ungodly means to win elections, I would move to court to contest the election results. 

"If it is true, he gave out KSh 200 million to the witch doctor to enable him to win, and then it means I was unfairly defeated. 

"That is an issue we are supposed to look into because, as leaders, we need to have moral character," Malala said.

He called on the detectives to summon Barasa to record a statement regarding extortion claims.

 "I call upon the police, especially the Directorate of Criminal Investigations - DCI, to ensure all those involved in the matter, including Kakamega County Governor Fernandes Barasa, record statements to ensure both parties get the justice that they deserve," he added


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