Pastor KANYARI says his late sister, STARTET WAHU, was a good girl – Reveals what she was doing with MATARA in the Airbnb

Monday, January 8, 2024
- Controversial pastor, Victor Kanyari, has dismissed claims that his late sister Starlet Wahu was a rogue socialite.

Starlet Wahu was found dead in an Airbnb in South B and police revealed that she was killed by a man identified as John Matara.

The pastor said Starlet just like any other girl was also looking for a man.

Kanyari was narrating the story to his congregants on Sunday.

"Walikua na pombe na wakaenda kwa room ya kulala.”

“Yeye aliona ni mtu ambaye anampenda.”

“Sioni makosa yake kwa sababu yeye alikua anatafuta mtu wa kumdate na ni normal," he said.

"Yeye aliona mtu anayempenda na akaona naye anaeza mpenda akaamua kumove naye bila kujua kwamba yule mtu ni muuaji na sio yeye wa kwanza."

Pastor Kanyari, however, said that the only mistake his sister made was believing a stranger.

He said Starlet believed the man.

The pastor further said that he saw no wrong in Starlet taking alcohol as they both lived different lives.

He said Starlet was a lover of life and was never into the church like he is.


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