I will never do a church wedding again – Actress JACKIE MATUBIA says and speaks about her failed marriage with her pilot husband.

 Wednesday, December 20, 2023 – Former Tahidi High actress Jackie Matubia has broken her silence following her divorce from her ex-husband, Kennedy Njogu.

Speaking during an interview, Jackie shed light on how the divorce took a toll on her mental health.

Matubia and Kennedy parted ways in 2019, citing irreconcilable reasons.

“I used roughly Sh300, 000 for the divorce process. That would change depending on your case. If you guys have assets together, a problem with child support. There is just a lot. There are a lot of hearings and so on.

“Mine was even traumatising because it was during the Covid-19 period, so your case is mentioned, you can’t go to court, you do online, then it’s canceled. That trauma really got to me,” she said.

Matubia also disclosed her fear of undergoing another white wedding.

“As someone who has been married before and gone through the scare of going through the divorce process, divorce in Kenya is not easy, and there is a lot of back and forth. You get scared of being married, getting that certificate,” she added.

Matubia said that while she won’t say never to another marriage, it’s not something she would rush into.

“I would even stay with the person in the house for over 15 years before I decide to do a wedding,” she concluded.

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