Wednesday, January 10, 2024 – Footage captured the moment a Brazilian police helicopter fell out of the sky onto an urban highway.
The helicopter crash occurred on Monday, Jan. 8, while the
Federal Highway Police chopper was transporting an accident victim.
Six people, including a doctor and a nurse, were on board
the aircraft, but luckily no one was injured, the report said.
The helicopter suffered a rotor failure, forcing the pilot
to make the dangerous manoeuvre, according to PRF Commander Aurélio Leal, who
was on board.
“There were six of us. Everyone is fine, no one was injured,
thank God, Leal said.
“The location was the best it could be after we had the
rotation failure. Unfortunately, the tail hit the fence.”
Despite the miraculous outcome, the force of the chopper’s
vortex blasted tiles off the roofs of nearby houses when it landed.
“When it went up, the tiles fell inside the house,” local
resident Elisa Loures reportedly said.
“To avoid hurting my son, I jumped on top of him. “The
helicopter made a strange noise when it took off, and suddenly everything
started falling.”
The helicopter also narrowly missed hitting a car, according
to the footage taken from a vehicle in front of the accident.
“A real scare, huh?,” said driver Vitor Fabiano, who avoided
a catastrophic collision just in the nick of time.
“Right in front of me. Just a matter of seconds, and I could have been underneath it. “It was truly by the grace of God.”
The accident was being probed by Brazil’s aviation accident
investigation agency.
“Federal Highway Police aircraft undergo a rigorous process
of acquisition, storage, and maintenance and operate with crew members who are
also rigorously selected, trained, and checked,” the PRF said in a statement.
Watch the video below.
— Entertain Me HQ (@EntertainMeHQ) January 9, 2024