Donholm-based preacher, APOSTLE CHRIS NAMALE, flaunts his security detail - He allegedly charges his followers Ksh 8,000 for a one-on-one encounter (VIDEO).


Wednesday, April 17, 2024 - Apostle Chris Namale is a popular preacher in Nairobi’s Eastlands, where he runs a church called Seed of Hope Ministries in Donholm.

His megachurch is flocked by thousands of congregants and according to sources, the flashy preacher charges his followers Ksh 8,000 to have a one-on-one encounter with him.

He also allegedly hires people to stage miracles and sells anointing oil at a fee.

The controversial preacher has been flaunting his lavish lifestyle on social media.

He owns a fleet of guzzlers and moves around with bodyguards.

He posted a video flaunting his security detail which consists of heavily built men who protect him wherever he goes.

The charismatic preacher was filmed sharing a light moment with his wife while being surrounded by the bodyguards.

Watch the video.


The Kenyan DAILY POST.

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